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Doggy Daycare


  • $36.00 –   per day
  • $175.00 – 5 day package
  • $340.00 – 10 day package
  • $495.00 – 15 day package
  • $640.00 – 20 day package
  • $29.00 – half day rate (up to 5 hours)
  • $28.00 – Temperament evaluation (includes 5 hours of daycare)

10% discount for a family with two or more dogs attending daycare. Packages cannot be shared.  Each dog must have thier own package.

Packages expire 1 year from date of purchase.



Grooming Services

*Daycare dogs only*

  • Bath – $25.00
  • Nail Trim – $18.00
  • Brushing (10 Minutes) – $15.00
  • Doggy Spa Package (Bath/Brush/Nails) – $55.00
  • Bath Package (Buy 5 get 1 free) – $125.00
  • Nail Trim Package (buy 5 get 1 free) – $90.00
  • Brushing Package (buy 5 get 1 free) – $75.00








At Doggone Fun! we sell a variety of organic treats, toys, enrichment feeders, puzzles, Thundershirts, training tools, books and more.





Toy Swap for Daycare Clients

This is a fun enrichment idea for all Doggone Fun! Daycare family members!
If you have a toy at home that your dog doesn’t play with anymore, bring it in and swap it with one from our toy box.
This will help keep toys fresh, new and exciting for your dog. It also is a great form of sensory enrichment, because the toy you take home will have the scent of other dogs and the daycare.
The only rule is if you take a toy, please leave a toy.
Doggone Fun! clients can swap toys anytime. If a toy gets destroyed, don’t worry just swap another toy!
There is a black wire toy basket in the lobby. We encourage Doggone Fun! clients to take advantage of this free enrichment opportunity.




















Dog Training


Nakita Johnson, ABC-CPDT

Nakita Johnson - Dog Trainer

Hi! My name is Nakita Johnson and I am so excited to work with you and your dogs as part of the Doggone Fun! family.  I have spent the last seven years studying and working with dog packs in daycare facilities from coast to coast. In 2019 I completed my formal education at Animal Behavior College, which included an internship training dogs for adoption at the local Humane Society.  I then went on to direct the training program at a large daycare and boarding facility in St. Petersburg, Florida.  I am also AKC certified to teach and evaluate STAR Puppy and Canine Good Citizen courses.

I am a balanced trainer who emphasizes compassionate leadership, positive reinforcement, and setting dogs up for success. Just like us, our pups are much more likely to do something if they’re having a good time doing it.  The good news is TRAINING IS FUN!  It’s one of the most enriching and rewarding aspects of life with our canine friends.  I firmly believe we can work together to make training more than just another chore.  I will design programs that are fun and rewarding.  We will work together for positive outcomes for you and your precious pups.  Happy Tails!

Clicker Training For Dogs!

What Is Clicker Training? – Clicker Training is a fun and exciting way of communicating with and training your dog. This science based method of training has been successfully used for years with marine mammals and animal actors on TV sitcoms, commercials and movies. It has now taken the dog world by storm.

Clicker Training is based on the behavioral theory called “Operant Conditioning”. It uses positive reinforcement to strengthen desired behaviors. Simply put, clicker training uses a distinct marker signal –a clicker- to mark a desired behavior. The clicker sound or marker says to the dog, “YES!, that is exactly what I wanted you to do and now you will receive a worthwhile reward. The reward motivates the dog to repeat the behavior and the clicker gives the dog the exact information about what action the dog did that actually won the reward.

Animals learn best when their own capabilities are encouraged and directed into behaviors that help them live harmoniously with humans. Clicker trainers set their dogs up to succeed then reward them for their successes. It is fun and easy to learn for you and your dog. Clicker training is a powerful animal training tool. Best of all the dogs love it! They have a clear understanding of what they are doing right, and they get a chance to earn rewards like food treats, favorite toys, attention and praise through their own actions. With Clicker training you do not need choke chains or pinch collars because you and your dog work together as a team. You can clearly and positively communicate with each other and build a long lasting positive, trusting and respectful relationship.

2024 Group Class Schedule:

Click Here to sign up for Group Training Classes on Gingr!

S.T.A.R. Puppy: Obedience and Beyond!

(6 week course for $220.00)

The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy class is a six-week program that introduces puppies and owners to the basics – and to each other! S.T.A.R stands for “Socialization, Training, Activity, and Responsible Ownership”, four vital components of a healthy, fulfilling, and successful relationship with your dog. 

In S.T.A.R. Puppy class you and your pup will learn:

  • Basic behaviors such as Sit, Stay, and Come
  • Safe, effective handling for grooming and daily life situations
  • How to find the right walking equipment for your dog
  • Loose leash walking skills
  • And much more!

S.T.A.R. Puppy class is open to all pups under the age of one year, regardless of breed or pedigree. Upon graduation, your pup will be added to the AKC S.T.A.R Puppy Registry and get a certificate to match! .It is also the first step towards becoming an AKC Canine Good Citizen.

S.T.A.R. Puppy Class Dates:

Saturday, April 13 – May 18 

Class Time – 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Saturday, June 1 – July 6

Class Time – 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Saturday,  August 24 – September 28

Class Time – 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Saturday,  October 12 – November 16

Class Time – 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Intermediate – Group Class 

(6 week course for $220.00)

Have you and your dog completed basic training?  Does your dog know basic commands, but seems to get distracted easily and lose their focus in real world situations?  Then we have just the course for you!

Doggone Fun! offers Intermediate group classes in which we use positive reinforcement and a healthy dose of fun to teach new skills and strengthen basic skills.  

You and your dog will learn to:

  • Work with Targets
  • Develop leash skills, including heel
  • Strengthen basic obedience cues by adding the 3 D’s, Distance, Distraction and Duration
  • Learn new behaviors such as “Back” and “Station”
  • And much more!

Prerequisite:  Completion of S.T.A.R. Puppy class or a basic obedience class is required.

Intermediate – Class Dates:

Tuesday, February 20 – March 26

Class Time – 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Tuesday, April 16 – May 21

Class Time – 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Tuesday, June 4 – July 9

Class Time – 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Tuesday, August 20 – September 24

Class Time – 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Tuesday, October 8 – November 12

Class Time – 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Intermediate ll – Canine Good Citizen

(6 week course for $220.00)

Canine Good Citizen class is designed to prepare your dog for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test.

Your dog will learn to perform the following tasks with control and precision:

  •  Accepting a friendly stranger.
  • Sitting politely for petting.
  • Appearance and grooming desensitization.
  • Out for a walk.
  • Walking through a crowd.
  • Sit and down on command/ Staying in place.
  • Coming when called.
  • Reaction to another dog.
  • Reaction to distractions.
  • Supervised separation.

Canine Good Citizen – Class Dates:

Saturday, April 13 – May 18

Class Time – 3:00pm to 4:00pm  

Saturday, August 24 – September 28

Class Time – 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Urban Canine Good Citizen

(6 week course for $220.00)

Take your Canine Good Citizen’s (CGC) skills on the go! This six week course is designed to apply CGC principles to life in our busy urban environment. Classes will take place weekly, at a variety of local parks and markets. You and your pup will learn to face the unique challenges that come with living in the city and to take them on with calm, confidence, and control!

Urban Canine Good Citizen classes are available to any dog who has already earned their basic Canine Good Citizen award. anine Good Citizen class is designed to prepare your dog for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test.

Urban Canine Good Citizen – Class Dates:

Saturday, February 18 – March 25

Class Time – 2:30pm to 3:30pm  

Saturday, June 3 – July 8

Class Time – 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Saturday, September 23 – October 28

Class Time – 2:30pm to 3:30pm


Tricks! – Group Class 

(6 week course for $220.00)

Are you and your precious pup bored with sit, stay and lay down? Bring them to Tricks Class to liven things up! Tricks is a class that is designed to keep your dog engaged while bringing your training to a whole new level – perfect for dogs who know their basic commands but are looking for a new and fun way to show off what they can do.

Tricks! – Class Dates:

 Saturday, April 13 – May 18.

Class Time – 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Saturday, August 24 – September 28.

Class Time – 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Saturday, October 12 – November 16

Class Time – 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Intro to Dog Sports – Group Class 

(6 week course for $220.00)

Jump right into fun! This course is perfect for owners who are looking to help their dog reach their hidden potential whether it’s for competition, enrichment, or just a good time! Our Intro to Dog Sports class aims to recognize the champion in every dog. This six week prep course will give you all the tools you need to set your budding canine athlete up for maximum success.

You and your pup will learn:
– How to work on novel surfaces.
– Targeting with nose, paws, and other parts of the body.
– Different forms and styles of reinforcement.
– How to respond to distractions.

….and so much more!

The Intro to Dog Sports course is open to all dogs who have completed Intermediate course or have been evaluated and approved by the trainer. Intro to Dog Sports class is a pre-requisite for the Agility and Rally courses.

Intro to Dog Sports – Class Dates:

 Monday, April 3 – May 8.

Class Time – 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Monday, June 5 – July 10.

Class Time – 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Monday, October 9 – November 13.

Class Time – 6:30pm to 7:30pm


Rally – Group Class 

(6 week course for $220.00)

Rally – Class Date:

Monday, April 1 – May 6.

Class Time – 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Monday, October 14 – November 18.

Class Time – 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Agility – Group Class 

(6 week course for $220.00)

Agility – Class Date:

Saturday, April 13 – May 18.

Class Time – 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Saturday, October 12 – November 16

Class Time – 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Daycare Training

6 week program for $900.00

(daycare must be purchased separately)

Daycare training is an excellent choice for dogs who already come to daycare on a regular basis or those who need a little more one on one time with the trainer during the week.

This is a six week program that is tailored to the specific needs of each family, from basic obedience to modification of problem behaviors such as jumping or pulling on the leash. Daycare training requires a commitment of bringing your dog to daycare 3 days per week for 6 weeks.  During this 6 week program your dog will receive a total of 18 twenty-minute training sessions while attending daycare.

Each week you will receive the following:

  • Three (3) twenty-minute training sessions that will happen while your dog is at daycare.
  • One (1) one hour private lesson with the trainer each week.
  • At least one short video demonstrating what your dog is learning each week.

This program is open to dogs of all ages who attend Doggone Fun! or meet the eligibility criteria to attend.

Private Training

Private Sessions are $120.00 for 1 hour

Private Training Sessions are 1-on-1 sessions with the trainer at the Doggone Fun! daycare facility. Sessions must be scheduled with the trainer in advance.